
on Friday, 17 April 2015.

Taken out of the book Help Yourself by Dave Pelzer

How do you do something that seems so overwhelming? You do a little here and a little there until your overwhelming, arduous, impossible challenges become your everyday routine. In a nutshell, that's it.

Think of it as a baby learning to walk. As simple as it may seem for most of us, to me the act of walking, or anything else that involves motor function is nothing short of extraordinary. The brain has to think it, and relay to the body where to go and the speed of the stride; all within a fraction of a millisecond. So how do most of us learn to walk? First and foremost we have to process a desire to do so. We stand up, we wobble a few times because we're unsure of the new experience. Maybe we have a little apprehension, but that's okay, for our ambition kicks in. We take a step, maybe two, then unexpectedly we fall down. Sometimes on our padded behind, sometimes flat on our face. It hurts, it's not fair, sometimes we cry, but we get up; we still have that drive to move forward. For some babies, you can see that pure excitement in their eyes with each foot placed in front of the other, until suddenly, without thinking, these kids are tearing up the house running away from frantic parents who are trying to put them in the bathtub! Wow!

And yet, the act of walking was performed without government assistance, with no one to prosecute when the toddlers fell down, or no one to complain to if Mommy, Daddy, or any other person tricked the young tyke by taking a step or two backward so baby could walk just a few more steps on her own, before being caught in the arms of the one who helped her along the way.

When we are willing to pay the price, when we carry that desire deep within our heart that no one or any situation can take away from us, are there truly any excuses? In every article I have read, among people I have been privileged to interview, the ones who accomplished something significant to themselves, against enormous odds, all, one way or another, have had the same philosophy: They wanted it more and were willing to pay the price it took to achieve their desires.

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