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04 Jan 2018
I know it looks empty here, but we are just getting started! I'm here, making sure every post gets up and we do have rabanim answering questions! So take the initiative, and sign up and post! Be one of the teens that start up this place and make it amazing! For more details and Q and A, please click here. ...
Welcome to our forum! Introduce yourself here (anonymously, of course) and get a warm welcome from the rest of the community!
19 Topics 144 Replies
Last Post: Itty Bitty Intro
by Hadas Bat-el
2 years 2 months ago
We can all do with some help, juggling friends, family, work, stress, addictions, disorders, therapists, girls... Come, share, give chizuk, advice, and meet your fellow teens.
39 Topics 163 Replies
by Rena
6 years 1 month ago
Got questions? Have answers? Let's discuss and debate Hashkafa.
35 Topics 132 Replies
by Hadas Bat-el
6 years 2 weeks ago
Anything on Halacha. Questions, Answers, and Discussions
7 Topics 38 Replies
by Rena
6 years 1 month ago
Give and receive the boost we sometimes need.
17 Topics 36 Replies
Last Post: Anyone have some?
by Rena
6 years 1 month ago
So much confusion, what do I do? Discuss, share, vent and inspire!
4 Topics 11 Replies
by basmelech101
8 years 4 months ago
Show off your writing talents here! Post your stories, poems, thoughts and reflections.
17 Topics 27 Replies
by Rena
6 years 1 month ago
Let's get crazy. Members can exchange jokes, have fun!
10 Topics 87 Replies
by twisted
6 years 2 months ago

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