Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is this website all about?

A. Welcome to frumhangout.com (FHO), a site catering to Jewish teenagers; a place to come share, get chizuk, advice, and answers. You can share struggles, thoughts, and opinions and while connecting with people all over the world. Submit questions and have Rabbonim answer you. This a place where your voice can be heard, in a safe and non-judgmental environment.

Q. How did FHO get here?

A. This website was started by a teen, just like you. She saw that there was no place for (frum) Jewish teenagers to express themselves in a healthy environment where they won't be judged or criticized for having different opinions. Nowhere to speak out, nowhere to get help, and no one to share their struggles with people who understood them. No wonder so many people are tripping up on the internet.

Q. Who is this site for?

A. Are you a Jewish teen? If yes, keep reading! Boys, girls, frum, modern orthodox, off the derech, at risk, orthodox, yeshivish, chassidish, unaffiliated...any name you'd like to give yourself because labels don't matter here.

Q. How Jewish is this?

A. This site is created within the laws of the Torah, and, on our side, we operate by constantly checking with Rabbanim and professionals to help guide us. We are following the guidance of Rabbi Zev Leff and alongside him, Rabbi Meir Kahane, and Rabbi Moshe Zeldman are monitoring the site very closely. Even so, this is a place to meet and talk with people you can relate to, we aren't here to tell you who you should be. That's YOUR decision. All we are doing is trying to guide you, give your clarity, answers, connection, and a place where you can express yourselves.

Q. What can YOU do to get involved?

A. Send us your ideas, articles, and thoughts and watch them appear on this website!! We hope in the future there will be a place where you can send in your artwork, music, and writing (or any other talents!), so other teens can view it. We currently have a section for poetry in our forum- you are welcome to post there once you make an account. We have tons of other ideas on how to expand, so if you have anything you can offer (talents, time, energy, experience) and want to share it just click here

To send us any ideas, thoughts, or submissions for articles please email us at

Go get exploring!!

The FHO team