What happened to Esther?
Purim is about revealing the hidden from behind the mask
One thought that most people don't have is what happened to Esther after the Purim story ?
The sacrifice Esther made in order to save the Jews didnt just end with the ending of the megilla. Even after the Jews were saved Esther remained in the palace. A place definitely not made for a good Jewish girl.
Purim is about revealing the hidden from behind the mask. As we read the megilla we reveal how HaShem although hiding was really there the entire time.
In life we hopefully try and be grateful for all the actions that others do for us. However how often do we think about the effort and time that went into the build up of that action
Yes we hopefully thank our parents for the food on our table but do we think about the time, effort and money that was put in before hand and after to ensure that it was there?
It's easy to appreciate what we see being done for us, but do we ever put a thought into the hidden actions that those close to us do for us daily, if it be our parents, teachers or friends. Do we ever think what the ramifications are for the actions and favoures performed for us ?
Lets expand the message of purim of revealing what goes on behind the mask so that we are able to deepen our appreciation for all others do for us. With this increase of appreciation we will gain an increase of simcha as we realise how lucky we are to be surrounded by people who invest so much into our lives.