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TOPIC: Pessach blues

Pessach blues 6 years 11 months ago #823

  • Malach136
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We are always told how Pessach is great, how fun it's supposed to be, redeeming and blah, blah, blah,
i hate to say it, but i don't feel any of it, i don't feel free cleaning and scrubbing, i dread Pessach, mainly for the before Pessach hassle and some for Pessach itself, there are many things i hate about it.
how am i supposed to feel free being pressured to clean?
is there anyone else that feels this way? or anyone that does enjoy Pessach prep. do you have any ideas how i can make it more enjoyable?
thanks guys.
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Pessach blues 6 years 11 months ago #824

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I feel the same exact way! I despise pesach to no end! It’s such a stressful time and just what’s the point? I’m cleaning for hours, and I just had enough.
P.s To answer your question it make sure it easier to clean when I talk on the phone with a friend or listen to music
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Pessach blues 6 years 11 months ago #827

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Thanks - your right, working when i am able to listen to music (and sing along...lol...) is way easier, but that's not always an option for me, and i'm cracking my head trying to figure out how to get myself a good attitude towards it.
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Pessach blues 6 years 11 months ago #828

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my subject was inspired by this. u guys may know it already, i grew up on it, it was always my chosen comparison to why Pessach is crazy in an exaggerated way...:) :lol:
Last Edit: 6 years 11 months ago by Hadas Bat-el.
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Pessach blues 6 years 11 months ago #829

  • Hadas Bat-el
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Ok, that's actually very funny.
Sorry, I have no advice. My fam is so chilled about Pesach especially since all of us "kids" aren't that little anymore.

It's no more stressful than any other holiday..
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Pessach blues 6 years 11 months ago #831

  • Mimi Starr
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Oh, I definitely understand the feeling of dreading Pesach! I think many people secretly do but are ashamed to admit it. Thing is, I don't think it's the holiday itself that everyone's dreading: it's everything before, including the insane cleaning, cooking, baking, living out of a box of chometz for a few weeks, etc. (is my family the only one who does that?)

Anyway, right now, I'm the only girl at home, so that means this year is going to much more intense than ever before, and my stress levels are mounting. So, whenever I feel like I'm going to fall into the pit in my stomach, I use visualization: I imagine sitting around the table with my family on the Seder night, totally calm with the knowledge that all the pre-Pesach stuff is over. It makes me feel much better: kind of a picture to remind me that "this, too, shall pass."

I think everyone has their own way of trying to develop a positive attitude about it; it's definitely an issue to be discussed. I mean, why has Pesach become so crazy that everyone dreads it? It's become Pesach and spring cleaning together, which is more than anyone can handle!

Again, this might only work for me... What do you think?
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Pessach blues 6 years 11 months ago #832

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oh yeah, eating over a box, no your not the only one....:)
i also know how you feel being the only girl at home, my sister got married about 2 years ago and i'm alone since, also most of my family is going abroad for Pessach this year so it's going to be very quiet and not all of us around the table, but thanks for the idea, i will try to visualize something that i like about the holiday to remember while prep.
and thanks for the comfort.
boy do i wish i can figure out a way to make it fun by time i get married, at least my kids should enjoy this period of time, think it's possible?
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Pessach blues 6 years 9 months ago #883

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I think it's possible.
You gotta work on it now, being positive and such.
Also sometimes it's harder when other people set the tone, but when you have a house YOU will be setting the tone and no one else.
Bezrat Hashem
Glad to hear you survived! :)
It got dark, you think you've been buried but in reality you've just been planted.
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