well,every day brings a new decision. Turn right turn left....do good do bad...loshon hara,lashon tov,be happy be sad. But then there are those decisisions that people dont talk about. The decisision to do what everyone else feels is right for you. In this day and age in the frum world that seems to be the thing on everysmind but what noone dares to put into words. Like really,we know that its hard,but do it for yourself not for others. People so worry abotu what others will think of how they dress,and act and wear...and why? maybe its for shidduchim,maybe because its friends...."oh she wears leggings?!?! i cant be friends with her,she isnt up to my standards" really people. Is this what the world has come to. Through every generation others have tried to kill us,and yet its us that turn our backs on eachother. Do what you do,because you believe its right. Dont be scared into tznuis cause your friends are doing it,learn teh beauty behind it and do if for yourself (ok and your future husband but thats a whole other issure) learn about brachos and the intereting halachoes that go with them. Make what you do,for you. Inspire yourself and dont wait for others to make that the "thing to do".