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TOPIC: Is a subject line really necessary?

Is a subject line really necessary? 9 years 4 months ago #256

  • Ellie
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Hey, y'all
Just to introduce myself.
Um, how do you introduce yourself? Should we play 20 questions??? Like, what's your favourite colour, worst colour, favourite book, worst book, maybe not worst book actually, what hobbies do you have? Hmm, what does it really mean to introduce yourself?

Hi, my name is Ellie, and I'm from, you know, I don't feel that it's safe to share that info on a public forum...
So on to the next thing. My favourite colour is blue, like a kind of teal blue. Worst colour? Don't have. Nauseating ones are. I love sun inside rain! by M. Bassara. War books, favourite is The scent of Snowflowers. For self help, any of (kay, don't know who reads this here so it isn't a recommendation) Gila Manolson's. For true, Son rise (if that's what it's called). Hobbies, I don't really know, to be honest. I like art. But don't know how good I really am at it... seems like I've answered all the questions to myself.

Oh, and yeah, my friends all tell me that I've ADHD (I don't). In case you ever wondered, or will wonder, what on earth I'm going on about, will make a great excuse when I begin talking absolute nonsense!!

May this be the bestest day ever....


ps. I see that this isn't anything like the other introductions (how many are there already???), but you know, sorry is all I can say...

p.p.s before I knew what ps stood for I used to write pss:)

p. pps - an you all introduce yourselves? I hate writing to anonymous individuals who I know nothing of anything about... :side: :side: :side:
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Is a subject line really necessary? 9 years 4 months ago #258

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Hey nice meeting you Ellie. Although I don't know you know all that much better now. but fine... I can introduce myself but will it help if you know that my favorite color is grey versus blue???
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Is a subject line really necessary? 9 years 4 months ago #259

  • Hadas Bat-el
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Hey Ellie! It's great hearing from you...even if it's on an online forum lol. I like the color orange the most. It's bright, sunshiney, and it matches my hair!!!
Welcome to the FHO forum!
I'm Hadas Bat-el founder of FHO! I'm also a poet, blogger, writer, copywriter, and proud redhead! You can read my blog here: frumhangout.com/index.php/blog/item/hadas-bat-el-2 , I post every Sunday!

I can't wait to get to know you all! So what are you waiting for?! START POSTING!

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Is a subject line really necessary? 9 years 4 months ago #267

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Hair, hair, hair... you know that think on your head? That decorates you? Hey, you know, I read once this really cool thing about hair, but can't remember what it was. Something about being cool and a nerd. Somehow the thing about shoes comes into my head -
pointy shoes., .... shoes
da da da da da shoes
red shoes, green shoes
uh uh uh uh uh shoes
buck shoes, bow shoes
pretty pointy toe shoes

can't remember it, nah, it's just not coming!!
Hyperism, you know the kind :dry:

Hadas Bat-el - really do want to hear from you - CALL!!! I'm waiting!!! Yay, Can't wait, Dassi's gonna call me, yah, so exited, we don't know what to do, we're so excited, we don't know what to do, we're gonna clap out hands, wave them in the air, stamp out feel, shake them everywhere. hey, you never know what it's gonna be, it's gonna be and everlasting memory, *louder now* hey, you never know, what's gonna be, it's gonna be an everlasting memory.
Hey FHO, guess what? Guess what? I spoke to Hadas Bat-el !! Yeah, one day!! Kay, Hadas Bat-el ? Now you really have to call... I have to hear about your haircut!! By the way, I couldn't find the picts... do you look good with your cool rioting rocking new haircut? Did I tell you how proud I was of you for doing it??? Sorry... sorry... not fair to let it out on you just coz' I'm hyper.. you can delete this if you want... cuz after all, you are the administrator!! Shouts out to you!! Good for you for getting this off the ground... okay, I know, I hear, I'm screaming too loud... I'll tone down, I'll promise, just don't tell, please... don't tell on me, I promise not to yell and dance on the rooftops again... but it was such fun!!!!! There's this binocular really cool house near where I live, legend has it that the guy who lived there used to use binoculars all the time... it's historical site now :) and my friends grandparents live there!!!

I'm leaving now, I promise, I'm leaving.. I'll try behave better next time...

may all of your weeks be the coolest and rockingest in the history of mankind... lets make it great!!!
Last Edit: 6 years 9 months ago by Hadas Bat-el.
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Is a subject line really necessary? 9 years 4 months ago #268

  • Hadas Bat-el
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Wow Ellie. I have to wonder where you have the time for all this!! I feel extremely flattered and now I really DO have to call you! I sent you pics BTW. But whatevs. Anyways, how is your life going?
Welcome to the FHO forum!
I'm Hadas Bat-el founder of FHO! I'm also a poet, blogger, writer, copywriter, and proud redhead! You can read my blog here: frumhangout.com/index.php/blog/item/hadas-bat-el-2 , I post every Sunday!

I can't wait to get to know you all! So what are you waiting for?! START POSTING!

You can also reach me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any questions, comments, or you want to help with the site!
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Is a subject line really necessary? 9 years 4 months ago #274

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Hey Ellie...

I was smiling all the way through your introduction. it's so fun and your energy is screaming off the page :-)

Keep posting... looking forward to hear what else you have to say :-)

'A person can't decide to sit on the sidelines in this world. Once we're born, we're on the playing field that means we have to pick up that ball of life's challenges and begin running with it towards our goal'
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Is a subject line really necessary? 9 years 4 months ago #283

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Hey, so I planned that I'd write now, except that I'm so TIRED that you're going to just have to excuse any nonsense that I say... I'll promise you that I didn't mean it and don't know what you're talking about, you know..... :silly:

So, I don't remember what I wanted to say... I saw that hair article, though couldn't find it when I looked for it - of course...
And now I'm sitting on my computer, wishing I could be blissfully sleeping (blissful when don't wake up or dream)

Malki, I hear that you're really mature :) Enjoy the compliment!

Blue/grey (okay, JAP), what would I have to tell you to know you better? Fire away.... *shrinking backwards, small voice*, I didn't mean with a gun....... I meant that you could ask whatever you wanted... please put that down... please...... oh sure, the guns away?? Ask what you want now... not with that hunk of metal in your hand....

Hadas Bat-el (I was going to call you Zahavi, but no clue why), I still didn't get to speak to you :(

This week was strange. This month was strange. Sometimes life is just plain and simply STRANGE. It wasn't strange. I have a question for the hashkafa thread, but can't be bothered going there, yah, I know that I'm lazy, but, you know. Oh, something I was listening to, R' Nivin was saying how life is meant to go a certain way, and there are about 20 different nisyonos, where life doesn't go that way, where a normal legitimate need is taking away (sholom bayis, mental health issues, people who aren't married, children OTD), those are the examples I remember. In these cases, the normal legitimate need is gone, and it's gone so that you can access depth and joy that you would otherwise never need to access. And it's right to mourn what you don't have. For it's a real need and life is meant to be that way. But then you need to learn to live with joy and transcendence. Was really nice. Sorry, I'm not putting it down very well at all...
So my question is what when you put yourself into nisyonos... I would love answers to that
My answer to that is, that even when you put yourself there, it is G-d Who led you there. Hashem chose it for you. For whatever you did you didn't know it would lead to the pain it does, and therefore it is the same thing. There for your growth etc.

I'm not jumping right now. Too tired to jump. By bed is begining to flatten for haven't jumped on it in such a long time. I sit on floors though. For they're more comfortable. I don't know what I'm talking about :dry: I love going from one thing to another but sometimes I get so mixed up when I do that, it's fun to write nonsense though, I never get to do that anywhere really... hey, I should find a speech that I gave in school and post it here!

Last Edit: 6 years 9 months ago by Hadas Bat-el.
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Is a subject line really necessary? 9 years 1 month ago #316

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i know ellie you've got a lot of catching up to do. im just pretty straight forward and direct. and colors dont tell me anything. but youre cute anyway. and i think i know you...... uk anyone?! (hope my guess is right..... and sorry for doing this in public.) i can practically hear you delicious accent.....
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Is a subject line really necessary? 9 years 2 weeks ago #323

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;), hey awesome!
Though you've NEVER heard my accent.
(In case you were wondering how I knew when you're birthday was)
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Is a subject line really necessary? 9 years 1 week ago #326

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What's your accent?

Quick fill me in?

And if you could choose to have one accent for the rest of your life- what would it be??
'A person can't decide to sit on the sidelines in this world. Once we're born, we're on the playing field that means we have to pick up that ball of life's challenges and begin running with it towards our goal'
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Is a subject line really necessary? 9 years 1 week ago #328

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Wouldn't you like to know???
Hmm, okay, okay, it's not the same as yours - that help any?

If I can choose an accent to have for the rest of my life, what would it be? Why, I've never thought about that... hmm, an accent?? To be pretty honest, I don't actually care what accent I have, I don't need ANY accent, although I doubt anyone would say there is such a thing as no accent... maybe South African, I laav the south aafricaan aacaant. Because I find that they're all such naace people.

Malki, if you want people to stick around on here, keep on posting. Interesting, inane, fascinating, nonsensical, philosophical posts. Give them a reason to come back, and conversations to reply to...

Hadas Bat-el, if this gets sent to you as an email, I haven't been in touch with you in a long time, really hope that you're doing okay, and keep us updated with your plans for next year...
Last Edit: 6 years 9 months ago by Hadas Bat-el.
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Is a subject line really necessary? 8 years 11 months ago #352

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I also LOVE South African. We have too much in common, I can't...
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Is a subject line really necessary? 8 years 11 months ago #367

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Purim Sameach to you all!!!
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Is a subject line really necessary? 8 years 11 months ago #369

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:) how was peoples purim?
Who celebratin 2 day?
who cant walk a straight line :P
**They laugh at me because Im different,
I laugh at them because they are all the same.
**If you are not for yourself, who will be for you?
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Is a subject line really necessary? 8 years 11 months ago #370

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That means that you're going to Yerushalayim tonight/tomorrow???
's cool...

Was just at a meal, people high, absolutely gorgeous... people's joy at being Jewish, their nuttiness coming out with such purity.... and it's so rare, sad how it's so rare, but was so stunning.....

Tired now. Should really write these, ya know, rambling long posts that say absolutely nothing, or you know the kind of stuff that makes no sense but sounds clever so people think they're the ones who are slow? When you meet the Greenwich meridean in a perpendicular line you traverse the state whence few have chanced to position themselves. Don't ask me what that means for it doesn't mean anything, although it could be true.

So, it's cute to see how people are coming on here and trying to make this place alive. I like seeing it. It's impressive. And the dedication that it'll take... I guess that's yet to be seen, if anyone has it in them really, to stick around.

I'm tired. So very tired. Long days can do that, you know, get one to be tired, kind of, you know the type, long days, busy on your feet, no time to stop, but you know, you do stop, uh, what was I saying? I think I forgot.

Oh well,

Have a great day, all.

Purim Sameach!!

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Is a subject line really necessary? 8 years 11 months ago #377

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haha i like your rambling posts!
try a 2 day.... its like one long day of partying. it was amazing!
I went to see alot of my Rabbis houses they were all stoned drunk. it was cool like they were missing thier filter. The love that they had for each of the students. the love that they have for torah. the respect that they had to thier wives was enormous! I cannot get over it!
**They laugh at me because Im different,
I laugh at them because they are all the same.
**If you are not for yourself, who will be for you?
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Is a subject line really necessary? 8 years 11 months ago #400

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Oh, that sounds like it could be fun, and awe inspiring.


This day has been so long, and pretty good, and I just need to let out some steam.

So, yesterday/last night/this morning I crossed boundaries. And feeling very confused about it. I did a lot better than I ever dreamed. Was really open with this person about what I could/can't give her, but confused nontheless. So, anyways, been busy all day. Keeping busy. Been pretty productive. Trying not to focus on this, for what works for me is to just absorb it and then deal with it, otherwise I won't be able to.

About jumping on beds. My beds are made, and I've a new bed to sleep on, with new mattress and all, so, no more jumping on beds for me :(, so instead, I need to find cooler ways to do this, like, hmm, writing on here!!

Have to run..... busy day still....

Have a great day!!!

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Is a subject line really necessary? 8 years 11 months ago #406

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uch new beds are really annoying! & bunk-beds :(

How was the rest of your day?
**They laugh at me because Im different,
I laugh at them because they are all the same.
**If you are not for yourself, who will be for you?
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Is a subject line really necessary? 8 years 11 months ago #410

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Wow, that sounds pretty tough :( I'm lad you got to vent a little out here :) Hows it going now? How do you feel?
Welcome to the FHO forum!
I'm Hadas Bat-el founder of FHO! I'm also a poet, blogger, writer, copywriter, and proud redhead! You can read my blog here: frumhangout.com/index.php/blog/item/hadas-bat-el-2 , I post every Sunday!

I can't wait to get to know you all! So what are you waiting for?! START POSTING!

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Is a subject line really necessary? 8 years 11 months ago #441

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;) I feel like I'm wasting my time on here.
But, kind of got lots of energy, and if you want enlivening to this place.
I don't really have very much time. Was up late last night. Listened to a great class - it was really very good - whilst I was anyways up. Today's been busy, running on the treadmill of life. It's great to be busy. I can't remember what I was writing again. Oh, I was doing a puzzle! And it's happening. Being that I really don't like puzzles, it's quite cool that it's happening. And I found that it's a great tool to help me focus when I'm not.
So, done a lot. Done all
I've been getting distracted by a lot of different things going on around me. Here, there, everywhere. Up, down, sideways, backwards.
So did a lot today. Calm and focused. Grateful for this. For I never chose it, it's a gift
Have a great day, all!
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Is a subject line really necessary? 8 years 11 months ago #442

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That's wonderful! B"H this place will be up and happening soon!!
Welcome to the FHO forum!
I'm Hadas Bat-el founder of FHO! I'm also a poet, blogger, writer, copywriter, and proud redhead! You can read my blog here: frumhangout.com/index.php/blog/item/hadas-bat-el-2 , I post every Sunday!

I can't wait to get to know you all! So what are you waiting for?! START POSTING!

You can also reach me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any questions, comments, or you want to help with the site!
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Is a subject line really necessary? 8 years 11 months ago #467

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Ellie heyyy

Thanks for taking the time to check in- it's really helping keep the forum alive- which is so crucial to getting it off the ground!

What class did you listen to? Please share... I'm nervous I'm gonna just get caught up in the regular cooking/cleaning for Pesach and loose what it's really all about, know what I mean?

Annnyway- you wrote 'running on the treadmill...' and I got so jealous- I NEED TO FIND TIME to excersize; but then I saw the rest of that sentence 'the treadmill of life'- and I smiled. I know that machine only too well :-)
'A person can't decide to sit on the sidelines in this world. Once we're born, we're on the playing field that means we have to pick up that ball of life's challenges and begin running with it towards our goal'
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Is a subject line really necessary? 8 years 11 months ago #490

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Do you ever just want to sleep, sleep and sleep some more??
So that's what I want now. Just to sleep. Ahhh, imagine curling up under a down blanket, snuggling down, and just, sleeping..??
So yah, in case it isn't obvious yet, I'll spell it outright for you. I a-m r-e-a-l t-i-r-e-d.
It's been a busy day today - like when is it ever not - and the rest of the day is still waiting to happen.
I can't remember what I was in the middle of writing. I got side-tracked.
Oh, I've a letter for someone, somewhere, waiting to be posted, sometime. If I just remember where the somewhere is...

Have a great day, all.
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Is a subject line really necessary? 8 years 10 months ago #499

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I feel like I haven't been on here in AGES, haven't been on internet, in like, 4 whole days or something, and I'm thinking it's ages... hellllloooo... oh well ;)

Have a great day, all!
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Is a subject line really necessary? 8 years 10 months ago #537

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hahah 4 days? i havnt had a min to breath. I havnt been around a computer for like the past month! Ive missed all of you!
**They laugh at me because Im different,
I laugh at them because they are all the same.
**If you are not for yourself, who will be for you?
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