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TOPIC: Why so many punishments in the Torah

Why so many punishments in the Torah 9 years 2 weeks ago #322

  • Jacob
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It seems like Hashem doesn't like us, like He has forced us into this world and we are the we are forced to just keep the rules.

What is going on?

I heard an amazing shiur which explains why this is just a big misconception..

Hashem is not being mean by making punishments. The difference between a teenager and an adult is that the latter understands consequences.
If one drops a glass, it will smash.
If you drive 150mph and car crashes, is the car angry at you? No obviously not, it just means that you haven't followed the rules!!

Hashem has given us a manual as to how to have the most fulfilling, meaningful and loving life. Hashem doesn't want us to get wrapped up into our own illusions as to what brings REAL happiness to ones life.

All punishments in the Torah are just there incase we don't listen to the manual. We 'drop' the glass. The punishment is there to 'fix' the glass.

There's a moshul of a man who walks into a hotel for wedding but he had just been sick all over his clothes. The security didn't let him in due to his state. A nice guy comes and takes out a room in the hotel. Lets him use shower, buys him new clothes and gives him some nice aftershave!
Is this guy mean?

Hashem doesn't want it that we sit next to Him in the world to come and we are 'all dirty'. Hashem wants us to be shmutz free so we can really enjoy ourselves in the world to come.

But let's not focus entirely on the world to come. The manual isn't there just to 'get us into' the world to come.
We are not in this world to suffer and then have fun in the world to come.
Rather, we are supposed to build ourselves up in this world as much as we can. Whatever this result is will be who we are in the next world.

The more fulfilling and happy we make our life in this world the same will be in the next.

Have a great day :silly:

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Why so many punishments in the Torah 9 years 1 week ago #325

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Not sure if you can relate...

I'm very scared of G-d. How can I grow in serving Him out of love?
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Why so many punishments in the Torah 8 years 11 months ago #438

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Hi Moishy!

So basically the way I think of it is that Hashem is literally our father.

We say Avinu Malkenu - He is our father and then our King.

Also, in Adon Olam it says "Menas Coisy Beyom Ekra' - He holds out a cup for our tears when we cry.

How beautiful is this?

Hashem loves us so much.

The very fact that He created me is a sign of love.

He gave me my life!

In the Gemara it says Hashem created us in order that we make a relationship with him.
Hashem wrote in the Torah - 'Veahavta Lereecha Kamocha' love you friend like yourself.
Some commentaries write that the person we are supposed to be freinds with is Hashem.
Hashem wants us to be His friend!! How beautiful!!!!

We have just go to make the first step - Ani Ledodi Vedodi Li. - I am for my loved one as my loved one is for me.

This shows that it is US who have to make the first step to try and hear/listen to the messages which Hashem sends.

Hashem is waiting for us - He is hiding behind the mask (What Purim teaches) and He just wants us to find Him.

It's like hide and seek - He might seem far - but He is just waiting behind the corner.

Hope this explains it.

Any more questions or anything please fire away!
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Why so many punishments in the Torah 8 years 11 months ago #466

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Thanks so much for sharing those ideas.

How can I make this practical?
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