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TOPIC: What's so bad about tv and music?

What's so bad about tv and music? 9 years 10 months ago #69

  • Provcm
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Today everyone is always saying that watching tv or movies or listening to bad music is terrible. But I don't see what's so bad about it. I have a tv in my house and when I tell people that there like omg a tv but wats so bad about it. What is the problem of listening to non jewish clean songs, I mean the person that made it up is a person like you so why is it when you listen to non jewish clean music jaws drop I really don't understand what bad about Hashem gave us tv and music for a reason right so why not use it?
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What's so bad about tv and music? 9 years 10 months ago #73

  • Tamar
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Hashem put a lot of things in this world. He put things we are allowed to enjoy and he put things that we aren't, like pork, for example. He put a lot of temptation in this world. He also put a lot of things in between. And we have to read between the lines. The world is not totally black and white. We have to use our brains and and spiritual intellect to differentiate between the good and the bad; the wrong and the right. If you listen to a non-Jewish song that has nothing "not kosher" about it, it is not the end of the world. I wouldn't even see it as a bad thing. If it uplifts you in a positive way, than I would think it's ok. But if one truly wants to do the right thing for themselves, they should not fill their lives with it. We have to have a balance. Don't use the fact that something isn't blatantly not kosher it as an excuse to do, watch and listen to anything under the sun that is border-line. You want to have the majority of influences coming from purity. So, yes, listen to a song. Listen to two songs. But have control over what evolves you and what inspires you. Sometimes we're so deep into one world, that we can't possibly see clearly in another. We're so used to being inspired by a certain type of thing, when we're really in the wrong place at the wrong time. And we don't know what we're missing.

So you decide. You decide what you do, watch and listen to. But the effects will be clear as to what is really true.

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What's so bad about tv and music? 9 years 9 months ago #90

  • Hadas Bat-el
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I agree with Tamar. Besides the points she gave such things are so bizul zman. Ya we need to relax...but there's a difference between relaxing and clocking in 20 hrs of movies a week. Sometimes I calculate how much days and weeks I waste on a particular series...it's scary.
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What's so bad about tv and music? 9 years 8 months ago #105

  • Shvester
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Tamar put it well.
I guess we all deal with the issue of learning to control the effect music and movies have on us. I know that I listen to one non-Jewish singer/artist who I love because the music is really calming and enjoyable. The main idea is to make sure the lyrics in the songs or the ideas in the movies are not inappropriate or against halacha, and do not impact you in any way - meaning that you remember that it is secondary to all things related to ruchniyus, Torah, and Avodas Hashem.
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