Mimi Starr
Mimi Starr is an eighteen-year-old Chassidic girl currently residing in Brooklyn, New York. This blog is the expression of her thoughts, which is why you would probably be better off reading something else. In her sadly-limited spare time, Mimi likes to read, write, and eat ice cream.
Please feel free to leave comments with any suggestions for topics you'd want Mimi to discuss.
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Conversation with a Coworker
Written by Mimi Starr on Thursday, 07 June 2018.
Yes, I know it's weird. You gotta problem with that?
Flight 791
Written by Mimi Starr on Sunday, 11 February 2018. Posted in Motovation and Inspiration
We've all heard the story a million times...
Wait a While
Written by Mimi Starr on Friday, 19 January 2018. Posted in Motovation and Inspiration
Get Out of Your Way!
Good Girl
Written by Mimi Starr on Friday, 12 January 2018. Posted in Motovation and Inspiration